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  • Controlled Quilting Part 3 - Pauline Rogers

    Controlled Quilting
    Teacher: Pauline Rogers.
    Student: Simon Pratt

    This class consists of 3 half-hour lessons held over the 3 days of the event.
    In each lesson, Pauline will teach Simon and all registered students how to control quilt on their basic domestic sewing machine.

    If you are someone wh...


  • Controlled Quilting Part 2 - Pauline Rogers

    Controlled Quilting
    Teacher: Pauline Rogers.
    Student: Simon Pratt

    This class consists of 3 half-hour lessons held over the 3 days of the event.
    In each lesson, Pauline will teach Simon and all registered students how to control quilt on their basic domestic sewing machine.

    If you are someone wh...

  • Controlled Quilting Part 1 - Pauline Rogers

    Controlled Quilting
    Teacher: Pauline Rogers.
    Student: Simon Pratt

    This class consists of 3 half-hour lessons held over the 3 days of the event.
    In each lesson, Pauline will teach Simon and all registered students how to control quilt on their basic domestic sewing machine.

    If you are someone wh...